Nitrated benzene, nitrated toluene (except p-nitrotoluene), or nitrated naphthalene falls under the HS code 29042035. This code is used to classify and identify specific chemicals in international trade. Understanding the HS code is essential for importers, exporters, and customs officials as it facilitates the smooth flow of goods across borders.
The product description for HS code 29042035 encompasses nitrated benzene, nitrated toluene (except p-nitrotoluene), and nitrated naphthalene. These chemicals are commonly used in various industries, including pharmaceuticals, dyes, and explosives.
Importing or exporting goods under HS code 29042035 may be subject to bound or most-favored-nation (MFN) duty rates. Currently, the duty rate for this HS code is 5.5%. This means that when a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it must do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners.
The quantity unit for HS code 29042035 is kilograms (KG). This unit of measurement is used to determine the weight of the imported or exported chemicals.
There are also special tariff preference programs associated with HS code 29042035. These programs offer reduced or duty-free rates for specific countries. The following countries and programs are eligible for special tariff preferences:
Each of these special tariff preference programs has its own eligibility criteria and trade agreements with the United States.
When importing goods under HS code 29042035, it is essential to consider the specific regulations and requirements of both the importing and exporting US states. Different states may have additional restrictions or documentation requirements for the importation of chemicals.
HS code 29042035 pertains to nitrated benzene, nitrated toluene (except p-nitrotoluene), and nitrated naphthalene. Understanding this code is crucial for international trade involving these chemicals. Importers and exporters should be aware of the associated duty rates, quantity units, and special tariff preference programs to ensure compliance and take advantage of any available benefits.