
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 63101020: Used or new rags, scrap and worn out articles of twine, cordage, rope or cables, of textile materials nesoi, sorted

The HS Code 63101020 refers to used or new rags, scrap, and worn-out articles made of twine, cordage, rope, or cables, of textile materials not elsewhere specified or included (nesoi). These items are sorted and classified under this HS code for import and export purposes.

When importing or exporting goods, it is important to understand the HS code system. HS stands for Harmonized System, which is an internationally recognized system for classifying traded products. Each HS code corresponds to a specific product or category, facilitating trade and customs processes.

The product description for HS Code 63101020 specifies that it includes rags, scrap, and worn-out articles made of twine, cordage, rope, or cables, which are made of textile materials that are not classified under any other HS code. These items are sorted, indicating that they have undergone a process of organization based on certain criteria, such as size, material type, or condition.

Importing or exporting goods classified under HS Code 63101020 may be subject to certain duty rates. The bound or most-favored-nation (MFN) duty rate for this HS code is free. This means that there are no tariff charges imposed when trading partners lower trade barriers or open up their markets.

The quantity unit for HS Code 63101020 is kilograms (KG). This indicates that the weight of the imported or exported goods is measured in kilograms.

There are also special tariff preference programs associated with HS Code 63101020. These programs offer preferential treatment in terms of duty rates for specific countries. For example, Australia, Bahrain, Canada (under NAFTA), Chile, Israel, Jordan, Mexico (under NAFTA), Oman, Peru, Singapore, and certain products or countries excluded from CBI eligibility receive duty-free treatment. However, Morocco has a special rate of 1.1% for imports or exports classified under this HS code.

In terms of specific trade routes, the data provided does not specify any specific exporting US states for HS Code 63101020. However, the importing US states listed are Minnesota and Virginia.

HS Code 63101020 represents used or new rags, scrap, and worn-out articles made of twine, cordage, rope, or cables, of textile materials not elsewhere specified or included. This HS code is used for classifying and regulating the import and export of these items. It is important for traders and customs officials to be familiar with the HS code system to ensure smooth and efficient international trade processes.

More on HS code 63101020
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