The HS Code 64069930 refers to parts of footwear that are not specified elsewhere, including removable insoles, heel cushions, gaiters, leggings, and other related components. These parts are made of rubber or plastic materials. This code is used for the classification and identification of these specific products in international trade.
When it comes to trade barriers and market openness, the bound or Most Favored Nation (MFN) duty rate for HS Code 64069930 is 5.3%. This means that every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it must do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners. This principle ensures fairness and equal treatment in international trade.
The quantity unit for HS Code 64069930 is measured in "no units collected (X)". This indicates that no specific unit of measurement is applicable for this particular code. The absence of a quantity unit suggests that the classification is based on the nature and type of the products rather than their quantity.
There are several special tariff preference programs associated with HS Code 64069930. These programs provide certain countries with preferential treatment or exemptions from import duties. The countries that enjoy these benefits for HS Code 64069930 include:
These special tariff preference programs aim to promote trade and economic cooperation between the participating countries. By providing duty-free treatment or special rates for HS Code 64069930, these programs encourage the import and export of parts of footwear and related accessories.
When it comes to importing HS Code 64069930 into the United States, the data shows that the following states have recorded import activities:
It is important for businesses and traders to be aware of the specific HS code for their products, as it determines the applicable duties, tariffs, and trade regulations. The HS Code 64069930 provides a clear classification for parts of footwear and related accessories, ensuring accurate and efficient international trade.