
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 72023000: Ferrosilicon Manganese

Ferrosilicon manganese is a product classified under HS Code 72023000. This article will provide a comprehensive overview of this product, including its description, duty rates, quantity unit, special tariff preference programs, and information on importing and exporting states in the United States.

Product Description

Ferrosilicon manganese is a type of alloy that combines iron, silicon, and manganese. It is primarily used as a deoxidizer and desulfurizer in the production of steel. This alloy helps improve the strength and durability of steel, making it suitable for various applications in construction, automotive, and manufacturing industries.

HS Code and Duty Rates

The HS Code 72023000 is specifically assigned to ferrosilicon manganese. When importing this product, a bound or most-favored-nation (MFN) duty rate of 3.9% is applicable. The MFN duty rate ensures that trade barriers are lowered or markets are opened up equally for all trading partners of a country.

It is important to note that duty rates may vary depending on specific trade agreements or preferences between countries. In the case of ferrosilicon manganese, certain tariff preference programs allow for duty-free treatment. These programs include:

These special tariff preference programs provide certain countries or regions with preferential treatment, exempting them from duty payments or reducing the duty rates.

Quantity Unit

The quantity unit for ferrosilicon manganese is measured in kilograms (KG). This unit is used to determine the weight and amount of the product being imported or exported.

Importing and Exporting US States

When it comes to importing ferrosilicon manganese into the United States, the following states are known to be importers:

These states have been identified as major importers of this product, indicating a demand for ferrosilicon manganese within their respective industries.

On the other hand, Nevada is reported as an exporting state for ferrosilicon manganese. This suggests that the state has sufficient production capabilities to meet domestic demand and potentially supply the product to other states or countries.


Ferrosilicon manganese, classified under HS Code 72023000, is a key alloy used in the steel production process. Its deoxidizing and desulfurizing properties make it an essential component in manufacturing high-quality steel for various industries. Understanding the HS Code, duty rates, special tariff preference programs, and importing/exporting states provides valuable insights into the global trade of ferrosilicon manganese and its significance in the market.

More on HS code 72023000
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