
Harmonized System Codes • Schedule B • Harmonized Commodity Description

HS Code 85238010 - Phonograph Records

Phonograph records, classified under HS Code 85238010, are musical recordings that have been enjoyed for decades. These records have played a significant role in the music industry, allowing people to listen to their favorite songs and artists in a tangible and nostalgic format.

When it comes to international trade, the HS Code 85238010 helps to classify and identify phonograph records for import and export purposes. This code ensures that trade barriers and market openings are consistent across countries and trading partners.

The MFN (Most Favored Nation) duty rate for phonograph records is 1.8%. This rate applies every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, and it must be applied to the same goods or services from all trading partners. This ensures fairness and equal treatment in international trade.

The quantity unit for phonograph records is measured in numbers (NO), indicating the number of individual records being imported or exported.

There are several special tariff preference programs available for phonograph records, providing certain countries with duty-free treatment. These programs include:

When it comes to importing phonograph records into the United States, some of the states that engage in this trade include Kansas, South Carolina, Virginia, Alabama, California, Illinois, Utah, Colorado, Mississippi, Nebraska, and Washington. These states contribute to the demand and distribution of phonograph records within the country.

On the other hand, the exporting of phonograph records from the United States is carried out by states such as Kansas, District of Columbia, Massachusetts, and New Mexico. These states play a role in distributing American music and culture to other parts of the world.

the HS Code 85238010 represents phonograph records in international trade. These records have a rich history and continue to be cherished by music enthusiasts around the world. The code ensures fair trade practices and allows for the identification and classification of phonograph records across borders. With special tariff preference programs and various importing and exporting states, the trade of these records contributes to the global music industry and helps to preserve the legacy of this beloved format.

More on HS code 85238010
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