The HS code 85286940 refers to color video projectors with a flat panel screen and a video display diagonal over 34.29 cm, which also incorporate a VCR or player. This article will provide extensive information about this HS code and its implications.
The product covered by HS code 85286940 includes color video projectors that have a flat panel screen and a video display diagonal over 34.29 cm. These projectors also incorporate a VCR or player, which allows for the playback of video content. This combination of features makes these projectors suitable for various applications, such as presentations, home theater systems, and educational purposes.
The bound / MFN duty rate for HS code 85286940 is 3.9%. This means that every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it has to do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners. The duty rate is applicable to the import of color video projectors with a flat panel screen, video display diagonal over 34.29 cm, and incorporating a VCR or player.
The quantity unit for HS code 85286940 is "number" (NO). This unit indicates that the quantity of the product being imported or exported is measured in individual units or pieces.
Several special tariff preference programs apply to HS code 85286940, offering various benefits and duty-free treatment for eligible countries. The following programs are applicable:
The following US states are involved in the import of products classified under HS code 85286940:
The state of Texas is involved in the export of products classified under HS code 85286940.
HS code 85286940 represents color video projectors with a flat panel screen, video display diagonal over 34.29 cm, and incorporating a VCR or player. This code is subject to a 3.9% bound / MFN duty rate and is eligible for various special tariff preference programs. The import of these projectors involves multiple US states, while Texas is involved in their export.