The HS code 94016940 represents a specific category of chairs that are not otherwise classified. These chairs are made with teak frames and are not upholstered. They are a popular choice for outdoor furniture due to the durability and natural beauty of teak wood.
When it comes to international trade, the HS code plays an important role in classifying goods and determining the applicable tariffs and trade policies. In the case of HS code 94016940, the bound/MFN duty rate is free. This means that countries must lower trade barriers or open up their markets for the same goods or services from all their trading partners.
The quantity unit for HS code 94016940 is "number" (NO), indicating that the quantity is measured in the number of chairs.
There are also special tariff preference programs that apply to HS code 94016940. These programs offer specific benefits or exemptions from duties for certain countries. The following countries have a special tariff preference for chairs with teak frames, not upholstered:
Import data shows that the chairs with teak frames, not upholstered, under HS code 94016940 are primarily imported by the following US states:
On the other hand, the chairs with teak frames, not upholstered, under HS code 94016940 are primarily exported by the following US states:
HS code 94016940 signifies a specific type of chair with teak frames, not upholstered. Understanding the HS code and its associated trade policies can help importers, exporters, and policymakers make informed decisions and navigate the complexities of international trade.