Illuminated signs and name plates are essential components of various industries and serve multiple purposes. These products are classified under HS Code 94056040, which specifically refers to illuminated signs and name plates made of base metal, excluding brass.
HS Code 94056040 covers illuminated signs, illuminated name plates, and similar products. These items are primarily made of base metal, excluding brass. Illuminated signs and name plates are designed to provide clear visibility, even in low-light conditions, making them ideal for commercial establishments, public spaces, and other areas where visibility is crucial.
For imports classified under HS Code 94056040, the bound / MFN (Most Favored Nation) duty rate is 6%. The MFN duty rate applies every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market. It ensures that the same goods or services receive equal treatment from all trading partners of a particular country.
The quantity unit for products classified under HS Code 94056040 is "number" (NO). This unit signifies that the quantity of these items is measured by the number of individual units imported or exported.
Under various special tariff preference programs, products classified under HS Code 94056040 may be eligible for duty-free treatment. The following countries and trade agreements offer special tariff rates for these products:
These special tariff preference programs aim to promote trade and strengthen economic ties between participating countries by reducing or eliminating import duties on eligible products.
Products classified under HS Code 94056040 can be imported to and exported from various states within the United States. The specific states involved in the import and export process may vary depending on the trading partners and market demand.
HS Code 94056040 encompasses illuminated signs, illuminated name plates, and similar products made of base metal (excluding brass). Importers and exporters of these items should be aware of the duty rates, special tariff preference programs, and the specific states involved in the import and export process. Understanding these details is essential for efficient trade operations and compliance with international trade regulations.