2,3-Dichloronitrobenzene, also known as CAS No. 3209-22-1, is a chemical compound that falls under the HS Code 99022220. This HS code is provided for in subheading 2904.90.47, which categorizes it within the broader classification of organic chemicals.
The Harmonized System (HS) is an internationally recognized system for classifying and coding products in international trade. It is used by customs authorities, importers, and exporters to identify and categorize goods for the purpose of customs clearance, tariff determination, and statistical reporting.
HS codes are composed of six digits, with additional digits added for more specific categorization. They are standardized across countries, ensuring consistency in the classification of goods worldwide. The HS Code 99022220 specifically identifies 2,3-Dichloronitrobenzene, making it easily identifiable for trade purposes.
2,3-Dichloronitrobenzene is a chemical compound primarily used as an intermediate in the synthesis of various organic chemicals. It is a yellow crystalline solid with a strong odor. The CAS No. 3209-22-1 is a unique identifier that helps identify this specific compound.
As per the HS Code 99022220, 2,3-Dichloronitrobenzene is classified under subheading 2904.90.47. This subheading encompasses other organic chemicals, further specifying the type of products falling under this category.
Bound duty rate refers to the maximum tariff rate that a country can impose on a specific product. This rate is agreed upon and committed to by the country in international trade negotiations. In the case of HS Code 99022220, the bound duty rate is not available (NA).
Most-Favored Nation (MFN) duty rate, on the other hand, refers to the rate applied to a product when imported from any trading partner. It is the basic rate of duty that applies to all countries unless a preferential rate is applicable under a special trade agreement or program. As of now, the MFN duty rate for 2,3-Dichloronitrobenzene under HS Code 99022220 is free.
Special tariff preference programs aim to promote trade and economic cooperation between countries by providing preferential treatment to certain products. These programs offer reduced or zero-duty rates for eligible goods, encouraging trade between participating countries.
While specific details on special tariff preference programs applicable to HS Code 99022220 are not provided in the given data, it is important to note that such programs exist and can have a significant impact on the import and export of 2,3-Dichloronitrobenzene.
The given data does not provide information about the importing and exporting US states for 2,3-Dichloronitrobenzene. However, it is worth mentioning that the trade of this chemical compound may vary across different US states based on their industrial needs, manufacturing capabilities, and regulatory frameworks.
Some US states may have a higher demand for 2,3-Dichloronitrobenzene due to their chemical and pharmaceutical industries, while others may have restrictions or specific regulations regarding its import or export.
HS Code 99022220 encompasses 2,3-Dichloronitrobenzene, a chemical compound with various applications in organic synthesis. Understanding the HS code system, product description, bound and MFN duty rates, as well as special tariff preference programs, is crucial for importers, exporters, and customs authorities in facilitating smooth international trade.
While the data provided is limited, it highlights the importance of proper classification, tariff determination, and compliance with trade regulations when dealing with 2,3-Dichloronitrobenzene under HS Code 99022220.