Triphenyltin hydroxide is a chemical compound with the CAS number 76-87-9. It falls under the HS code 99022296, specifically provided for in subheading 2931.00.26. In this article, we will explore the details of this HS code and provide information about Triphenyltin hydroxide.
When it comes to international trade, HS codes are used to classify products for customs and statistical purposes. The HS code 99022296 is specific to Triphenyltin hydroxide and helps in identifying and tracking its import and export activities.
Triphenyltin hydroxide is primarily used as a fungicide and has applications in various industries such as agriculture and healthcare. It is effective in controlling fungal diseases in crops, protecting them from damage and improving overall yield. The compound also finds use in the medical field for its antifungal properties.
Triphenyltin hydroxide is subject to bound and most-favored-nation (MFN) duty rates. The MFN duty rate refers to the rate charged for importing the product when a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market. This ensures that the same goods or services from all trading partners are treated equally.
Unfortunately, the specific quantity unit for Triphenyltin hydroxide under HS code 99022296 is not available (NA). However, it is important to note that the quantity of the product being imported or exported plays a significant role in determining the overall customs duties and fees.
In addition to the duty rates, there may be special tariff preference programs in place for Triphenyltin hydroxide. These programs provide certain countries or regions with preferential treatment, such as lower duty rates or duty-free access, to promote trade and economic cooperation.
Importing and exporting Triphenyltin hydroxide under HS code 99022296 involves various US states. The specific states involved in importing and exporting may vary depending on market demand, availability, and regulations. It is essential for importers and exporters to comply with the relevant customs procedures and regulations of the involved states.
Triphenyltin hydroxide (CAS No. 76-87-9) falls under the HS code 99022296. This code helps in classifying and tracking the import and export of the chemical compound. Triphenyltin hydroxide is used as a fungicide and has applications in agriculture and healthcare. It is subject to bound and MFN duty rates, and there may be special tariff preference programs applicable. Importing and exporting involves various US states, and compliance with customs regulations is crucial for smooth trade operations.