The HS Code 99022301 refers to the product 4-Methylbenzonitrile. This chemical compound, also known as 4-Tolunitrile, is assigned the CAS number 104-85-8. It falls under subheading 2926.90.43 in the Harmonized System (HS) classification.
The HS Code is an internationally recognized system used to classify products for customs and trade purposes. It helps standardize the classification of goods and facilitates international trade by providing a common language for customs officials, traders, and statisticians.
4-Methylbenzonitrile is a colorless liquid with a chemical formula C8H7N. It is commonly used as an intermediate in the production of various chemicals, including pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and dyes. Its applications range from the synthesis of pharmaceutical compounds to the manufacturing of herbicides and insecticides.
When importing or exporting goods, the HS Code plays a crucial role in determining the applicable customs duties and regulations. It helps customs authorities identify the nature of the goods being traded and apply the appropriate tariffs or quotas.
The bound and most-favored-nation (MFN) duty rate associated with HS Code 99022301 is "Free." This means that countries are not required to impose any customs duties on the import or export of 4-Methylbenzonitrile. The free duty rate encourages international trade and helps reduce trade barriers for this particular product.
Under special tariff preference programs, certain countries may enjoy preferential treatment when trading products classified under HS Code 99022301. These programs aim to promote economic cooperation and provide advantages to specific trading partners. Importing and exporting countries may have bilateral or regional trade agreements that grant preferential tariffs or other benefits for 4-Methylbenzonitrile.
As for the quantity unit, it is not available (NA) in the provided data. The specific unit of measurement for 4-Methylbenzonitrile would depend on the context of its trade, such as volume, weight, or concentration.
HS Code 99022301 refers to 4-Methylbenzonitrile, a chemical compound with various industrial applications. Its classification under the HS system helps ensure consistent trade regulations and facilitates international commerce. The free duty rate encourages trade by eliminating customs duties, and special tariff preference programs may provide additional advantages for certain trading partners.