The HS Code 99022398 refers to a specific compound specified in CAS No. 50977-32-7. This compound falls under the subheading 3907.20.00 in the Harmonized System (HS) classification. The HS Code is an internationally recognized standard for classifying traded products, enabling efficient customs procedures and accurate trade data collection.
The product description for HS Code 99022398 indicates that it is a compound with a specific chemical composition, identified by its CAS number. CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) numbers are unique identifiers assigned to chemical substances, ensuring accurate identification and classification in various applications.
Bound / MFN (Most Favored Nation) duty rate for HS Code 99022398 is free. This means that when a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it must do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners. This principle promotes fair and non-discriminatory trade practices among countries.
Unfortunately, the quantity unit for HS Code 99022398 is not available (NA). This information suggests that the specific unit of measurement for this compound is either unspecified or varies depending on the context of its trade.
Special tariff preference programs may apply to imports and exports of HS Code 99022398. These programs are designed to provide certain benefits or incentives to specific countries or regions, promoting bilateral or multilateral trade agreements. The availability and details of such programs may vary depending on the countries involved.
When importing goods with HS Code 99022398 into the United States, the specific states from which the imports originate and the states to which the exports are destined may have implications. Different states within the U.S. may have specific regulations, taxes, or incentives related to the import or export of this compound. It is important for importers and exporters to be aware of state-specific requirements and consider them in their trade activities.
HS Code 99022398 represents a compound specified in CAS No. 50977-32-7. The compound is classified under subheading 3907.20.00 in the HS classification. It is important for traders and businesses involved in the import and export of this product to be aware of the duty rates, special tariff preference programs, and state-specific regulations that may apply. Understanding and complying with these factors can help facilitate smooth and efficient international trade.