The HS Code 99022413 corresponds to the product description of Magnesium zinc aluminum hydroxide carbonate hydrate (CAS No. 169314-88-9) coated with an organic fatty acid. This product falls under the category of inorganic chemicals, specifically in subheading 3812.30.90.
When a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it must do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners. This means that the bound or most-favored-nation (MFN) duty rate for HS Code 99022413 is free. It allows for duty-free import and export of this product between countries.
Unfortunately, the specific quantity unit for HS Code 99022413 is not available (NA) in the provided data. However, this information can be obtained from the relevant customs authorities or trade databases.
Special tariff preference programs are agreements or arrangements between countries that provide reduced or eliminated tariffs on certain goods. These programs aim to promote trade and economic cooperation among participating nations.
For HS Code 99022413, there may be specific special tariff preference programs that apply. However, without further information on the countries involved, it is not possible to provide specific details on the programs applicable to this product.
HS Code 99022413 can be imported and exported to and from different states within the United States. The specific states involved in importing and exporting this product, as well as the volume of trade, would depend on market demand, production capacity, and other factors.
In order to obtain detailed information on the importing and exporting US states for HS Code 99022413, it is recommended to consult trade statistics databases, customs authorities, or relevant trade associations. These sources can provide accurate and up-to-date information on the specific states involved in the trade of this product.
HS Code 99022413 refers to Magnesium zinc aluminum hydroxide carbonate hydrate coated with an organic fatty acid. It falls under the category of inorganic chemicals and is assigned the subheading 3812.30.90. The bound or MFN duty rate for this HS code is free, allowing for duty-free trade between countries. While the specific quantity unit is not available in the provided data, this information can be obtained from customs authorities or trade databases. Additionally, there may be special tariff preference programs applicable to this product, but further details would depend on the countries involved. The importing and exporting of HS Code 99022413 can occur between various US states, and the specific states involved can be determined through trade statistics databases or relevant authorities.