The HS Code 99022494 refers to a specific product called Cyano[3-[(6-methoxy-2-benzothiazolyl)amino]-1H-isoindol-1-ylidene]acetic acid, pentyl ester. This product is classified under the Harmonized System (HS) as a chemical compound and falls under the subcategory of esters.
The CAS No. 173285-74-0 is a unique identification number assigned to this specific chemical compound. This number helps in identifying and distinguishing this compound from others in the market.
It is important to note that this product is imported and exported using the specific HS code 99022494. The HS code is an international system for classifying and identifying goods for customs purposes. It is used by customs authorities to determine the appropriate duties, taxes, and regulations applicable to the import or export of a particular product.
When it comes to trade, countries often implement trade barriers or restrictions to protect their domestic industries or regulate the import and export of certain goods. However, under the principle of Most Favored Nation (MFN), every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it has to do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners. This means that the bound or MFN duty rate for the HS Code 99022494 is set at a rate of free, indicating that there are no additional tariffs or duties imposed on this specific product.
The quantity unit for the product is not available (NA), which means that the specific unit of measurement for this product may vary depending on the context or requirements of the trade.
In addition to the general regulations and duties, there may be special tariff preference programs in place that offer certain benefits or exemptions for the import or export of specific goods. These programs aim to promote trade and economic cooperation between countries. It is important for importers and exporters to be aware of these programs and ensure compliance with the eligibility criteria and regulations associated with them.
When importing this product into the United States, the specific importing states may vary. The same applies to the exporting states within the United States. These variations depend on the specific trade agreements, regulations, and logistical considerations between the states involved in the import and export process.
the HS Code 99022494 represents a specific chemical compound - Cyano[3-[(6-methoxy-2-benzothiazolyl)amino]-1H-isoindol-1-ylidene]acetic acid, pentyl ester. Understanding the HS code and its associated regulations is essential for importers and exporters to ensure compliance with customs requirements and to facilitate smooth international trade.