Butter and cream with over 45% butterfat falls under HS Code 99040410. This product is classified under several subheadings - 0401.30.75, 0403.90.78, and 0405.00.40. It is important to note that these subheadings are entered in the value safeguard period, with a duty rate ranging from $0.60 to $0.799 per kilogram (KG).
The bound / MFN duty rate for this product is 74.6 cents per kilogram (KG). The bound duty rate refers to the maximum rate that a country can charge on imports. The MFN (Most Favored Nation) duty rate is the rate applied to imports from all trading partners. It ensures that whenever a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it must do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners.
The quantity unit for importing and exporting this product is kilograms (KG). This unit is used to measure the weight of the butter and cream with over 45% butterfat.
There are various special tariff preference programs that may apply to imports and exports of butter and cream with over 45% butterfat under HS Code 99040410. These programs provide certain benefits or exemptions to eligible parties, such as reduced or eliminated duty rates.
Importing US states and exporting US states play a significant role in the trade of this product. The importing US states refer to the states within the United States that receive imports of butter and cream with over 45% butterfat. The exporting US states, on the other hand, are the states within the United States that export this product to other countries.
It is important for businesses and individuals involved in the import and export of butter and cream with over 45% butterfat to be aware of the specific requirements, regulations, and tariff programs associated with HS Code 99040410. This knowledge will help them navigate the international trade landscape more effectively and ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
HS Code 99040410 represents butter and cream with over 45% butterfat. This product is classified under specific subheadings and is subject to a bound / MFN duty rate. Understanding the special tariff preference programs and the role of importing and exporting US states is crucial for those engaged in the trade of this product.