Type | Information |
HS Code | 54023130 (5402.31.30) |
Product description |
Single textured yarn, of nylon or other polyamides, measuring not more than 500 decitex, not put up for retail sale HS code 540231000 refers to cotton yarn of combed fibres. This type of yarn is commonly used in the textile industry to produce high-quality fabrics and garments. |
Bound? | 8.8% Every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it has to do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners
Quantity unit | kilograms (KG) |
MFN duty rate | 8.8% Every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it has to do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners.
Special tariff preference programs | Free (AU,BH,CA,CL,IL,JO,MX,OM,P,PE,SG) 0.8% (MA) Detail: Free : Australia Special Rate Bahrain Special Rate NAFTA for Canada (duty-free treatment) Chile Special Rate Israel Special Rate (duty-free treatment) Jordan Special Rate NAFTA for Mexico Oman Special Rate Dominican Republic-Central American Special Rate (DR-CAFTA) Peru Special Rate Singapore Special Rate 0.8% : Morocco Special Rate |
Importing US states 540231 |
Exporting US states 540231 |
Code in major importing and exporting languages |
Similar: 54023130-single-textured-yarn-of-nylon-or-other 54023160-multiple-or-cabled-textured-yarn-except-sewing 54023230-single-textured-yarn-of-nylon-or-other 54023260-multiple-or-cabled-textured-yarn-except-sewing 54023330-single-textured-yarn-of-polyesters-not-put-up 54023360-multiple-or-cabled-textured-yarn-except-sewing 54023430-single-textured-polypropylene-yarn-not-put-up 54023460-multiple-or-cabled-textured-polypropylene-yarn 54023931-single-textured-yarn-nesoi-not-put-up-for 54023961-multiple-or-cabled-textured-yarn-except-sewing Single textured yarn nylon other polyamides measuring not more than 500 decitex put up for retail sale More on HS code 54023130 |