Type | Information |
HS Code | 70191990 (7019.19.90) |
Product description |
Glass fiber slivers HS code 701919100 refers to glassware for table or kitchen use. These goods may include glass bowls, plates, cups and saucers. They are commonly used for serving food and beverages during meals. |
Bound? | 4.2% Every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it has to do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners
Quantity unit | kilograms (KG) |
MFN duty rate | 4.2% Every time a country lowers a trade barrier or opens up a market, it has to do so for the same goods or services from all its trading partners.
Special tariff preference programs | Free (A+,AU,BH,CA,CL,D,E*,IL,J*,JO,MA,MX,OM,P,PE,SG) Detail: Free : Only imports from least-developed beneficiary developing countries eligible for GSP under that subheading (duty-free treatment) Australia Special Rate Bahrain Special Rate NAFTA for Canada (duty-free treatment) Chile Special Rate Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) (duty-free treatment) Certain countries or products excluded from CBI eligibility Israel Special Rate (duty-free treatment) Certain products excluded from ATPA eligibility Jordan Special Rate Morocco Special Rate NAFTA for Mexico Oman Special Rate Dominican Republic-Central American Special Rate (DR-CAFTA) Peru Special Rate Singapore Special Rate |
Importing US states 701919 |
Exporting US states 701919 |
Code in major importing and exporting languages |
Similar: 17019105-cane beet-sugar- -pure-sucrose-refined-solid 17019110-cane beet-sugar- -pure-sucrose-refined-solid 17019130-cane beet-sugar- -pure-sucrose-refined-solid 17019142-cane beet-sugar- -pure-sucrose-refined-solid 17019144-cane beet-sugar- -pure-sucrose-refined-solid 17019148-cane beet-sugar- -pure-sucrose-refined-solid 17019152-cane beet-sugar- -pure-sucrose-refined-solid 17019154-cane beet-sugar- -pure-sucrose-refined-solid 17019158-cane beet-sugar- -pure-sucrose-refined-solid 17019180-cane beet-sugar- -pure-sucrose-refined-solid 37019100-photographic-plates-film-for-color-photography 70191100-glass-fiber-chopped-strands-of-a-length-not-more 70191200-glass-fiber 70191905-fiberglass-rubber-reinforcing-yarn-not-color-of 70191915-glass-fiber-yarns-not-colored-other-than 70191924-fiberglass-rubber-reinforce-yarn-color-of 70191928-glass-fiber-yarns-colored-other-than-fiberglass 70191930-glass-fiber-chopped-strands-of-a-length-more-than 70191970-fiberglass-rubber-reinforce-cord-of-electrically 70191990-glass-fiber Glass fiber slivers More on HS code 70191990 |